As a faculty and staff, we read two books per year together. These books help us continue to grow and learn as professionals and as Christians. Not all of these books have been read by all of our faculty – some were read before their time, but the ideas in these books helped make us who we are today. Many of these books are parenting books, some are teacher books, and all of these books will help you on your journey to growing closer with your family and God. The ideas and teachings in these books have had a part in shaping our philosophy as a school – provided that they confirm what the Bible teaches us.

Backtalk -By Audrey Ricker, Ph.D. and Carolyn Crowder, Ph.D.
Dare to Discipline -By Dr. James Dobson
Excused Absence -By Douglas Wilson
Habits of a Child’s Heart -By Valerie E. Hess and Marti Watson Gartlett, Ph.D
How Now Shall We Live? -By Charles Colson & Nancy Pearcy
The Hurried Child – By David Elkind
Making Children Mind Wthout Losing Yours -By Dr. Kevin Lehman
Millstones and Stumbling Blocks – By Bradley Heath
Opening Your Child’s Spiritual Windows -By Cheri Fuller
Ordering Your Private World -By Gordon MacDonald
Parenting by the book, Biblical Wisdom for Parenting -By John Rosemond
Ready for Kindergarten -By Sharon Wilkins
Revolutionary Parenting – By George Barna
Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning -By Douglas Wilson
Shepherding a Child’s Heart -By Tedd Tripp
The Strong-Willed Child -By Dr. James Dobson
Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions -By George Barna