Faith-All of our teachers are active members in their churches and their love of Christ overflows in the love they have for their students. Every morning starts with prayer and God's word is woven into every subject and conversation. Discipline and correction is done in the spirit of the word with a strong emphasis on teaching them how to solve problems they are having on their own. Scripture memory is required from the very beginning as we teach them to hide God's Word in their heart.

Community-The school itself begins to feel like a family. Most students have been together since preschool and so they have a close bond. Parents who come into the office are known and every effort is made to help make them feel that their child is being cared for. During our chapel times we divide the entire school into mixed age groups called families and this really helps the younger students to feel connected to the older students. We encourage the younger classes to have an older class as a reading buddy where they can practice their reading skills, bond with each other and have fun in the process. Finally some classes take the time to get out in the community, work on service projects, get to know the elderly community and realize that their world is bigger than just them.

Academy- Our academics are consistent through the grades and are very rich in content. We focus on mastery of a subject and offer assistance if struggles are observed. Cursive is taught from the very beginning and results in beautiful penmanship, increased test scores, as well as advanced brain development.

ACSI Events-We are proud to be apart of the Association of Christian Schools International and we take every opportunity to allow our excelling students to challenge themselves through competition. Each year we participate in the Spelling Bee, Speech Meet, and Math Olympics. This builds such confidence in our students and pushes them to work beyond just their assigned projects.

School Wide Events-For us, school isn't just about taking tests and working hard. We feel that students need to have traditions and events to reward all that hard work. Each year we work hard to bring together events that bring families out to bond and celebrate the hard work of their students.
Throughout each school year we host the following events:

  • Fall Festival
  • Christmas Program
  • Rodeo Jamboree
  • Academy Showcase
  • Laps for Learning
  • Field Day
  • All-Praise Chapel
  • Grandparents Day
  • Science Fair/Art Festival
  • Spirit Weeks

Field Trips-Each teacher takes the time to enhance their students learnings through taking field trips, bringing in special guest speakers, and special events in their classroom.
Some of the popular ones are:

  • Zoo and Pumpkin Patch
  • Postal History Museum
  • Sabino Canyon
  • Bearizona/Great Wolf Lodge
  • TSO for kids
  • Ostrich Ranch
  • Scholastic Book Fairs
  • Pima Air and Space Museum
  • Titan Missle Museum
  • Catalina State Park
  • City Farm

Preschool Academics-We pride ourselves on being more than just a "daycare". Every moment is a teachable moment in these young students and with most of their brain development occuring before they even turn 5 this is maybe the most important grade to start with. We have developed an assessment tool that helps us find out where your children are at and then in turn teach them what they need to know for kindergarten. The students who transition from our preschool to kindergarten are well prepared and familiar with what is taught.
Teaching covered includes:

  • social skills
  • classroom behavior
  • knowledge of shapes, colors, numbers, letters
  • beginning reading
  • body awareness

Preschool Fun-Play is a huge part of a child's development and confidence. This is done in centers, recess, and throughout each day but we like to take additional opportunities as well. Each month we have a preschool wide event filled with centers and fun that is a culmination of the unit they have studied. These always run smoothly because of the wonderful parents who volunteer.
Some of the special events are:

  • Apple Day
  • Thanksgiving Feast
  • Winter Day
  • Christmas Party
  • Harvest Hoedown
  • "P" party
  • Easter Celebration
  • Teddy Bear Parade
  • Luau